
Friday, November 1, 2013


WE are finally going to have a night to ourselves. My mother-in-law is taking the kids for the night so im writing this early. The girls are packed and they had there dinner im going to drop them off when I get done with this blog. The funny thing is it's 5:00pm im going to drop them off come home make a nice dessert for us watch a movie maybe some !!!!!!!!!! then it will be 9:00 so what do we do with the rest of the time? lol that happens all the time last time we had a date night he played his video games and I watch my sex and the city collection no lie we really did that but see the problem is that even tho we want to spend time together we also want time to do the things we want without being bothered by the kids but tonight we are really going to try to at least do thing together we will see how that goes does this ever happen to you on your date nights? If we had money we would go out but Halloween kicked our butts we love each other and we love spending time together but its funny how we end up saying ' what do u want to do ...I don't know what do u want to do and sometimes my answers are  SLEEP, TAKE A BATH, FINISH MY BOOK  well anyway tonight is our night its still nice to spend time together so on that note im going to drop the kids off and get this night started.

                                                                  GOOD NIGHT

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