
Monday, November 11, 2013


                       THAT F*ING BRICK WALL

It gets us get hold of us and we just can't shake it. Its seems like a cruel trick mother nature plays on us " o look there happy lets f it all up" but sadly we can not blame mother nature we can only blame ourselves. Why is it so hard to get back on track. It feels like we knock down one brick down and 2 more go up in its place. We know all the advice.. think positive, surround yourself with positive people, excerise, join a group ect.

Ok tried it didn't work now what ? Well the part that really sucks is that the reason it didn't work is because we didn't put all our self into it we did it expecting to fail. We blame and we name every exscuse in the book but we never say its our fault. I can only say that because im not in a slump right know but when I was this is what pulled me out.  You have to see this as your fault now it might night be your fault that made the situation but it is your fault that your letting it affect you like this. You are never going to be able to move forward if all your doing is looking behind you. Only you can get off that couch sadly there is no drill sargent over your shoulder making you get up. you have to do it
I know it is easier said then done but all well sometimes we have to do tuff stuff. You have to get angry. Angry with yourself and angry with how your life is going.  If you are upset because your business is not going good really look at is it and ask yourself is it not working because its just not right for me and if you really think it is and really want it to work the take charge of it. If you have to make flyer and throw them off a tall building to get people to know about it then do it but if its not then move on to something else. Maybe your life just hit a ruff patch its how you handle these obstacles that show what kind of person you are and if you looked at yourself right now what kind of person would you be? The same goes for anything you do if it doesn't feel right then it probably isn't so don't waste your time with it





I know even as I read this back I say ya right but its true you really need to take charge and  man up, its up to you.
you want to knock down that wall then keep swinging if you never stop then bricks can't get up again. I am know one special I don't have a degree in depression and brick walls but ive been there and im sure ill be there again but I also know I can get back out now its your turn to believe in you.

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