
Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Today was a long day and sadly not much got done. I had planned to get most of the cooking and all the cleaning done to day but that did not happen. We started out good I had the girls making name place cards out of turkeys. It's really cute we all cut out our hand prints and then they glued them all together and but the faces on them

So while the girls did that I started making the pies
Anabella helped a little
It was all so perfected it was snowing outside we had Christmas music on and we were just laughing and having fun. When carl came home we realized I had forgetting a lot of things and with the way the snow was coming down we decided to just stop and go now. Well we went shopping and like my husband always says im a bad person to go shopping with because my 2 or 3 things becomes o and o and this to so 2 hours  and $50 dollars later we got back home I got 2 really cute owl pillows I saw them and just had to have them
I LOVE owls so now it was 5:30 and I still had to make all the pies and make dinner lets just say thank goodness for chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. by 6 something the first pie was ready to go
It went a little easier after that and before I new it I had 3 pies done kids in pj's and off to bed
They smell so good I can't wait till tomorrow but in all the craziness the house is still not clean so I have to wake up early and get going on that I didn't get to write the blog last night but it was a fun day the girls were so happy their was no school the played outside most the day then came in for some nice hot coco drove me nuts the rest of the day then they had a sleep over at nana plants which was suppose to be so I can get stuff done the next day like clean but nope it didn't happen

well now that it is 12:30 at night im going to try to get some sleep and I wish you all a happy and safe THANKSGIVING DAY

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