
Sunday, November 3, 2013

sunday blues

well its sunday again im getting to the point where I don't like sundays because I don't look forward to writing about my anxiety I feel like when it gets close to sunday I start feeling it because I think about it a lot I was doing really good this week I even drove by myself and didn't freak out once I felt like my old self but then I realized sunday was coming and I just went down hill which really just adds to the fact that its in my head I went to my friends baby shower today and I was nervous but I did fine then when I got home it was kinda like ok after dinner I got to do the blog and just kept thinking about It I started not feeling good but then I pushed it away I thought I just have to get this out of the way so on that note im not going to do anxiety talk on just sundays I will just update you when things happen or if they didn't happen this way I don't have to worry about sundays and even just writing that I feel a little better I am doing much better even on Halloween I got out of the car and went with the kids from door to door I really had fun and I didn't even do that when I didn't have this so my goal is to just do thing and not think so much before I do them cause its my mind that does it I cause it and again only I can stop it so  I know that if I think about it to much It will bother me one thing I have to also figure out is how to handle anger and frustration I really have trouble with the kids when they act up and im not even that mad but when I get mad or frustrated  it goes right to my stomach and I start taking to big of a breath then so and so on I have to leave the room and just calm myself down but that is not always an option and my kids are not going to become the world best kids over night so I have to figure out a relaxing teqnic that I can do when that happens ive tried a couple and some of them work but I have some others to try we will see what happens so until next

                                                                      KEEP STRONG

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