
Thursday, November 21, 2013


I finally got my thanksgiving dinner all figured out and bought. So now I really have no room in my fridge lol. We weren't even suppose to have dinner here we were suppose to go to our friends house  in ohio but the way our car has bin going carl wants to really work on it. We've never been there and are following the gps 100% so this is no time to get stuck on the side of the road. So instead we are going to have his parents over which is just as nice but it also means I have to cook and bake the pies. One problem I have every year is that my oven makes my house so HOT we would rather eat outside  so this year im using my new roaster oven
and what makes it even better is now my oven is free to cook other things. I haven't used the roaster oven yet I got it as a Christmas present from my mom last year so im really hopping it comes out right I think I might cook a chicken in it first just to be safe. I know I hate the cold but it would be nice to have some snow for thanksgiving. I drive down the road and see Christmas decorations up all over I am trying to stay strong and wait till December 1
 but its hard. Carl is not a fan of Christmas were I see happiness and fun and pretty things he sees bills and an empty wallet and working in 20 degree weather ( he works on farm ). Well anyway in my family we always decoration on thanksgiving right after desert. We would put Christmas music on and decorate the whole house and I couldn't wait till we got our own house so I could continue the tradition. It only happened one year and I have been forbidding to ever do it again it drove him nuts it didn't help that in his family they did the tree and the decoration on Christmas eve. So our agreement is I can't put ANY Christmas stuff up until dec 1 but either way its going to be fun.

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