
Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Tonight was anabella's 3rd grade concert they did good. It's cute at that age when they spend more time waving at their parents then they do singing.

I did not like how they did it this year. They sang 5 short songs then they walked off stage and all the parents got up to get their kids from there class but 4th grade was getting on the stage to do their songs. It just seem really rude I would have had no problem sitting and watching the 4th graders but we weren't allowed. Anyway sorry I did not write last night I went to bed early I was beat. So about the freezer meals I make some things I made the shredded chicken and chopped up some veggies but im having a little trouble thinking of what I need to make ahead. The thing is im a stay at home mom and if I already have dinner made then what am I supposed to do all day but I do want to make some for tho's nights when I feel lazy or the day get busy but what. My other problem is thanksgiving is next week and I will have a lot of left over turkey
so im thinking I might make some meals out of them. I still think this a good idea I just have a lot more thinking to do on it so I will keep u up to date.
Wow I can't believe next week is thanksgiving then BAM Christmas. My favorite holiday beside my b-day. One good thing with holidays coming up is that it give me more ideas to blog about cause to tell u the truth I was getting worried I don't do much during they day and nothen to exciting happens when the kids come home just yelling crying laughing. So I want to think of some cool kids holiday crafts and gift ideas family pics all that fun stuff so don't give up on me yet fun stuff will come lol

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