
Thursday, November 14, 2013

im very sorry

Im sorry to say I will not be doing the look book blog I want to tonight. I will really try to get it up tomorrow. I am not feeling well today. I have not been taking care of myself you know staying up late then sleeping most the day eating one good meal a day not working out doing a lot of sitting and just going on the internet. and my body is just finally saying enough.  I had a good dinner and we finally got to go shopping so I got lots of yummy food and I  also got stuff to make smoothies I have been wanting to try them for a while now. I'll let u know how that goes and I will get my but back in gear they hardest part is that I have been working so hard on the blogs getting all the website on that's it all requires me to sit and be on the computer doing no real movement but now that everything is up and I have all the website done I can take time to regroup so again sorry about this boring blog but I will get the looks done for tomorrow.

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