
Saturday, November 30, 2013


Today we went to my moms house for dinner which was  grab a little of thanksgiving leftovers some beef stew and a ham sandwich and it was great sometimes those meal are better. It was a quiet night of talking and hanging out my dad kept cracking joke about my turkey not being done i'll never live that down. Then the girls decided they wanted to put on a fashions show lily is such a tom boy she just ran out did a little spin for the camera faked a smile and left while anabella had to be pushed off the stage she my little diva but it was really cute.
and notice how anabella got all the nice dresses and poor lily got the oversize stuff so mean. After the fashion show we called it a night. When we came home lily was still hungry and she wanted a smile face sandwich and I didn't know what she wanted so I told her to make it and this is what she made
and that's what she ate she is to cute. I didn't write yesterday because not much happened. We didn't want leftovers so we took the girls to mcdonalds that really hit the spot.
well that was my Saturday tomorrow is December first so if the day goes as planned we will be decorating the house so be sure to check in tomorrow.

Friday, November 29, 2013


I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was very good for me the day went by to fast. We had a few problems tho  I had planned to have dinner at 3:00pm but the turkey got done at 1:00pm

and im not sure how so that turned everything around now I had to get everything else cooked and I was still getting the house ready. thank goodness for the girls poor carl had to work 1/2 a day and when he came home we were going crazy he didn't know what to do or where to go lol but I did get it all ready on time .
It all looked great his parents came and we were all laughing and talking about how good it all looks then it came time to carve the turkey the white meat was nice and juicy and just falling apart then when I went to cut the leg I found out they were not done and neither were the wings for some reason the bottom of the turkey didn't cook all the way it must of been a little frozen still  I was so upset so we took off the white meat cooked it a little longer and just ate the white meat an hour later the dark meat was ready but we were so stuffed. Other then that is was great anabella did a what im thankful poem it was really good she really names some good things sometimes I forget how mature she is getting. After all that it was time for pies the girls went a little over board but I figured all well
I was a bad hostest tho I forgot all about making coffee I don't drink it so I tend to forget it a lot. The night ended and once everything was quiet I looked around the house that took me all day to clean turned off the lights and said tomorrows another day and went to bed.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Today was a long day and sadly not much got done. I had planned to get most of the cooking and all the cleaning done to day but that did not happen. We started out good I had the girls making name place cards out of turkeys. It's really cute we all cut out our hand prints and then they glued them all together and but the faces on them

So while the girls did that I started making the pies
Anabella helped a little
It was all so perfected it was snowing outside we had Christmas music on and we were just laughing and having fun. When carl came home we realized I had forgetting a lot of things and with the way the snow was coming down we decided to just stop and go now. Well we went shopping and like my husband always says im a bad person to go shopping with because my 2 or 3 things becomes o and o and this to so 2 hours  and $50 dollars later we got back home I got 2 really cute owl pillows I saw them and just had to have them
I LOVE owls so now it was 5:30 and I still had to make all the pies and make dinner lets just say thank goodness for chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. by 6 something the first pie was ready to go
It went a little easier after that and before I new it I had 3 pies done kids in pj's and off to bed
They smell so good I can't wait till tomorrow but in all the craziness the house is still not clean so I have to wake up early and get going on that I didn't get to write the blog last night but it was a fun day the girls were so happy their was no school the played outside most the day then came in for some nice hot coco drove me nuts the rest of the day then they had a sleep over at nana plants which was suppose to be so I can get stuff done the next day like clean but nope it didn't happen

well now that it is 12:30 at night im going to try to get some sleep and I wish you all a happy and safe THANKSGIVING DAY

Monday, November 25, 2013


I wake up to the sound of that trusty alarm clock ringing in my ear. I scramble to find it knock over half my night stand in the process. I get up and stretch and run for my robe. My how cold weather has just creped her way in. I go to the kids room and grab there coat hat and glove along with there book bags. I sign all the papers and note they forgot to show me the night before. I place there yummy snacks in there dedicated pocket. Look once more at how cute they are when they sleep. So warm and comfy. Dreaming of candy,  rainbows and ponies. I let out one more loving sigh...........Then I open all the curtains and say ok time to get up and go to school! Two half awake children fumble out of bed and plop on the couch and like every morning there favorite shows are waiting. They look at me with half awake faces as I tell them there snacks are backed your homework's in your folders and your cloth are on your bed.  Now there hair is combed and they are dresses  as they brush there teeth I wonder if the little one will ever make it all the way in the sink when she spits. We wait by the window for the bus to come.......beep beep music to my ears we rush outside to meat the bus I kiss them both on the cheek remind them to be good and eat all there lunch. I run back inside because again I forgot to put MY coat on. Come into my room wake my husband tell him wear his sock, pants, hat and gloves like I do everyday kiss him goodbye locked the doors set my alarm for 11:00am crawl back into bed this time in the middle stretch out for the first time all night why did I find the one guy that love to cuddle. I close my eyes and sleep until that DAM alarm goes off again.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I tried out my roaster oven. I figured it would be a good idea to try it on some chickens before I use it for my thanksgiving turkey
It heated up really fast and the house didn't get hot so I put in 2 Cornish hens. I didn't do anything special just salt pepper and little butter.
They cooked for about 1 1/2 at 350 degrees. Now here is were I went wrong I added a cup of water to the bottom because that's what I do when I cook it in the oven. The thing is with a roaster oven it just makes steam so even tho the chicken WAS really juice and tender even the breast meat the skin did not brown at all
I was really upset and really glad this was not my thanksgiving turkey. I went right online to there company website to find out what I did wrong. I found out im not suppose to add water. In fact when the chicken or turkey makes juice im suppose to take it out. They say to put it all in another pan to make gravy with later. Now im really nervous but I really don't want my oven on for 4 hours I live in a trailer and they heat up real good. So I have one more Cornish hen left tomorrow im going to try it without adding water and doing just what they say to do and if it comes out browned and juice I'll use it for the turkey if not then I will have to use my oven (TEAR). 

Saturday, November 23, 2013


I don't know how the weather is for you but in PA is it so cold and windy we even had a couple whiteouts. I am a bad wife my husband was working on the car tonight and he needed me to hold the flash light and I gave up after 10 min I felt really bad but the wind was just crazy and I could see 2 inches in front of me. If we needed the car tomorrow I might have stayed and helped but we don't so im not freezing my butt off for nothing. To make matters worse he did stay out there and finish again im a bad wife. That is also why this blog is being written at 1:00am. He wanted to watch a movie together and after what I did I thought I should at least turn the computer off and watch tv  we watched
Identity Theft im glad we did it was funny but I worn u  there are some parts that were just wrong funny but wrong. It reminds me of the movie Due Date. That was my day not to much happened the girls and I just hung out it was to cold to do anything else and now that it is 1:30am im going to bed hope you had a good and warm Saturday

Thursday, November 21, 2013


I finally got my thanksgiving dinner all figured out and bought. So now I really have no room in my fridge lol. We weren't even suppose to have dinner here we were suppose to go to our friends house  in ohio but the way our car has bin going carl wants to really work on it. We've never been there and are following the gps 100% so this is no time to get stuck on the side of the road. So instead we are going to have his parents over which is just as nice but it also means I have to cook and bake the pies. One problem I have every year is that my oven makes my house so HOT we would rather eat outside  so this year im using my new roaster oven
and what makes it even better is now my oven is free to cook other things. I haven't used the roaster oven yet I got it as a Christmas present from my mom last year so im really hopping it comes out right I think I might cook a chicken in it first just to be safe. I know I hate the cold but it would be nice to have some snow for thanksgiving. I drive down the road and see Christmas decorations up all over I am trying to stay strong and wait till December 1
 but its hard. Carl is not a fan of Christmas were I see happiness and fun and pretty things he sees bills and an empty wallet and working in 20 degree weather ( he works on farm ). Well anyway in my family we always decoration on thanksgiving right after desert. We would put Christmas music on and decorate the whole house and I couldn't wait till we got our own house so I could continue the tradition. It only happened one year and I have been forbidding to ever do it again it drove him nuts it didn't help that in his family they did the tree and the decoration on Christmas eve. So our agreement is I can't put ANY Christmas stuff up until dec 1 but either way its going to be fun.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Tonight was anabella's 3rd grade concert they did good. It's cute at that age when they spend more time waving at their parents then they do singing.

I did not like how they did it this year. They sang 5 short songs then they walked off stage and all the parents got up to get their kids from there class but 4th grade was getting on the stage to do their songs. It just seem really rude I would have had no problem sitting and watching the 4th graders but we weren't allowed. Anyway sorry I did not write last night I went to bed early I was beat. So about the freezer meals I make some things I made the shredded chicken and chopped up some veggies but im having a little trouble thinking of what I need to make ahead. The thing is im a stay at home mom and if I already have dinner made then what am I supposed to do all day but I do want to make some for tho's nights when I feel lazy or the day get busy but what. My other problem is thanksgiving is next week and I will have a lot of left over turkey
so im thinking I might make some meals out of them. I still think this a good idea I just have a lot more thinking to do on it so I will keep u up to date.
Wow I can't believe next week is thanksgiving then BAM Christmas. My favorite holiday beside my b-day. One good thing with holidays coming up is that it give me more ideas to blog about cause to tell u the truth I was getting worried I don't do much during they day and nothen to exciting happens when the kids come home just yelling crying laughing. So I want to think of some cool kids holiday crafts and gift ideas family pics all that fun stuff so don't give up on me yet fun stuff will come lol

Monday, November 18, 2013


For my next challenge im thinking of making make ahead meals to freeze. I have been reading a lot about them in other blogs and it seem to make sense. So I went to the store and bought freezer bags and some ingredients and tomorrow im going to make maybe 3 or 4 meals just to see how it goes. I love the idea of make ahead meals but im worried that we  wont want to eat them and they will just sit there. Which is why im going to start slow. One thing im excited to make is chicken just chicken its so smart in my house we use a lot of chicken in everyday foods but its a pain to make all that chicken for one sandwich so what u do is take like two breast cook it up shred it and put it in a bag so if u want some chicken in a salad or for a sandwich even a quick quesadilla u can just grab what u need and go Then my husband never eats breakfast he wakes up and goes so I want to make breakfast burritos. I'll make 5 different ones label them then but them in the freezer and in the morning I can heat it up for him and he could eat it in the car. There are a couple more things I want to try I put them on my pinterest there are hundreds of ideas there just type in make ahead meals. Well that is what I plan to do tomorrow. If any of u have done this I would love ur opinion as to weather u liked it hated it or and suggestions u may have

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Today was one of those days when I just wanted to run away. I love my kids but today they did not love me back. It all started when I woke up this morning and every where I looked there was food and dishes and toys and cloths new stains that were not taking care of correctly and that was just the kitchen and living room. I wont even tell u about the bathroom. Well I just had to do something

I turned the TV off told my husband to either help or get out  ( he decided to work on the car) made a list of what had to be done and gave them the bad news. At first they thought it was a game and were more then happy to do the chores but then after 10 minutes they were not having fun anymore and wanted to stop but not today they were gona clean this house weather they liked it or not
Once the house was clean I felt a little better the girls went and played nicely for a little while they even put on a concert for me it was really cute
It really was great. After that it was the normal please sit down, don't do that , no not know and where are u going with those scissors.? we had dinner which was a just as crazy. We decided to eat where ever tonight so lily and I were sitting on my bed doing homework when she put her foot in my dinner and of course there was no extra after a good laugh about toe jam chili I had to find something else to eat. Then it was bath time and now it is bed time thank goodness this whole weekend has just been so crazy I am ready for Monday. Im going to tuck them into bed light some candles get my mp3 player and take a nice long bath.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Today did not turn out the way we planned it. We were suppose to go to my brothers house and see the baby and have dinner at there new house but the car was not working right so poor carl spent all day fixing it. We had all the parts but they were just being a pain to get out it was something with the transmission. Long story short me and the girls got all ready to go cause he said he was almost done But that was not how it went. We waited and we waited and finally at 4:00pm I gave up. I hate when that happens we get so excited to do something then we get shut down. I know it wasn't his fault he was trying all day but you just cant help but get mad. Then to top it off the girls haven't seen the new baby yet so they REALLY wanted to go and they were MAD which made the rest of the day long and full of little attitudes. On to something a little happier carl and I both have good cameras now so if I ever get the guts to do the vlogs we should have more of those to come. I don't know what it is I feel so weird when I make videos like no one want to see my videos but then again I felt the same way when I started this blog and look at me now. Making the videos are easy even editing them is no prob I just can seem to hit that publish button. Also its so hard to figure out what to vlog about. I mean writing my blog works good for a blog but I think it would make a boring video. I don't know I will think of something or if any of you have any ideas lets me know.

Friday, November 15, 2013


Ok I finally got my look book thing done. So these are just some of the cloths I got at the thrift stores by me I picked the best ones and anabella got some new cloths so we added her in lily was asleep so sadly she missed out. Well here they are hope u like them

That is all the pics we took I did get a lot more shirts plain gray black and white some plain gray and black tights and stuff like that. Again I did this to show u that u can still look really good and buy from thrift stores and the best part is all theses cloths are name brand so nobody has to know.