
Monday, December 30, 2013


Today there is so much technology computers, nook, kindles, cell phones and many more. Books are a dying breed even library's are disappearing. The sad thing is the history is dying with it. Now don't get me wrong I love my computer but there is just something about holding a book. I love the way old books smell and how they feel. Just to think about how many people touched this book. To flip throw the pages and read the story within the story. To see the corners of the page that has been bent to save the page or the chocolate finger prints left on the page. The faded letters where tears have falling. I love to think about the person who had it last. Did they like it? did they hate it? Even tho I like to think all these books were loved. To think was it read late at night under the covers while holding a flash light? or Snuggled up on the couch while eating a yummy snack. I like to think these book changed their life some how even if it was just to put a smile on their face when then were feel sad. Another thing I love is that know matter how good the writer wrote the book everyone has  different picture in their head. I know your saying you can get that from a nook or kindle to and yes it is still a story put it becomes impersonal it a cold machine. Next time you read a real book look at the pages and try to find the story within the story you just cant find in a machine.

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