
Sunday, December 8, 2013


OK that's it I am running away!........ I wish I could at times. Not forever just a couple of days. Today as u can tell I have reached my boiling point. Now I know I have said taking time to yourself and have some you time and that really does work and I have done that but then there are times when u just have to cry. So what caused this lovely mood Im in? For starters Im married to a guy who loves video games a lot and on the weekends or after work he plays and plays which is ok sometimes but on days like today when the kids are going crazy and Im trying to get the house clean I need him to help and all he does is send them to there room and surprise surprise  they come right back out. Also my house is TOOO small I know I should be thankful to have a house but Its just to small I live in a 2 bedroom trailer with 2 kids and a husband everywhere I look there is just STUFF I do clean and I am very big on not keeping things we don't need but there is always stuff everywhere and now that its cold outside im inside looking at it all the time. I feel like I have no room to breath. Im just reaching that point when I feel like giving up I clean all day and they just mess it up I try to teach my kids to pick things up and take care of things but it goes in one ear and out the other I cook a good meal and the whole time I hear I don't like this or i want something else even my husband keeps telling me your the mom make what u want and we will eat it then he comes home from work and all i get is o your making that gggrrrr i could just scream I will be fine by tomorrow im just having one of those days so don't worry about me i just needed to vent i thought about not posting this but then i thought maybe you to feel this way and it might be nice to know you are not alone.

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