
Wednesday, December 11, 2013


As I said yesterday Todays questions is not one I can do because of my kids but instead I will tell you about the time my mom and dad made everyone believe in Santa. It all started when my older brother reached the age of not believing and he like most older siblings had to pass his knowledge on to me and other kids. So to prove him wrong my parents came up with a plan. First they had leftover confetti from there one new years party they put our stockings on our bed and made a line with the confetti leading into the living room and all around the tree ( it was santa magic dust) then it lead outside to the middle of the yard and there were foot prints leading to sled tracks my dad made with some old skis and there was chewed carrot were the raindeer would be and santas magic dust all around it  man I wish we had a camera back then even as I write it it does it no justice anyway when my brother saw all of this his eyes were ready to pop out of his head and all the kids in our neiborhood  came over to see were santa landed the whole thing really was magical I mean we walked right by our presents and we didn't open them till later cause we were still telling our friends how santa was here. The funny part is my mom still talks about how it took almost a year to get all that confetti out of the carpets lol and as a mom now I understand. It crazy sometimes to look bad on the things ur parents did for u it sad tho that it takes you becoming a parent and being in the same situation to really be thankful I can't tell you how many times ive said sorry or thank you  to my parents since I became a parent. Well that was my story and mom if I left anything out be sure to leave it in the comments I was young so you remember a little more then me.

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