
Monday, December 30, 2013


Today there is so much technology computers, nook, kindles, cell phones and many more. Books are a dying breed even library's are disappearing. The sad thing is the history is dying with it. Now don't get me wrong I love my computer but there is just something about holding a book. I love the way old books smell and how they feel. Just to think about how many people touched this book. To flip throw the pages and read the story within the story. To see the corners of the page that has been bent to save the page or the chocolate finger prints left on the page. The faded letters where tears have falling. I love to think about the person who had it last. Did they like it? did they hate it? Even tho I like to think all these books were loved. To think was it read late at night under the covers while holding a flash light? or Snuggled up on the couch while eating a yummy snack. I like to think these book changed their life some how even if it was just to put a smile on their face when then were feel sad. Another thing I love is that know matter how good the writer wrote the book everyone has  different picture in their head. I know your saying you can get that from a nook or kindle to and yes it is still a story put it becomes impersonal it a cold machine. Next time you read a real book look at the pages and try to find the story within the story you just cant find in a machine.


Another year has flown by which means its time for NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS. I am very proud to say I did complete some of last years resolution. This year I am going to try even harder to dot hem ALL.

  1. Be more active
  2. Go camping more
  3. Travel
  4. Catch a big fish (fly fishing)
  5. Lean to be a patient mom
  6. Face my fears
  7. Hang out with friends
I could go on and on about things I want to change this year but these are the main one the ones that really matter. I would love to here some of year resolutions maybe I can add them to my list. I hope together we can complete our lists.

Friday, December 27, 2013


Well part 2 of Christmas is gone. I am the worst person when it comes to waiting I should have waited till carl came home to help me with the camera but I didn't and some how I deleted all the pictures. Thankfully they were not important pictures but they still were pictures I wanted. I am still figuring out this camera
The biggest problem im having is the pictures keep coming out blurry it has so many options for different lighting and smile detection and you have to press a different button depending on how far away u are ect its a lot so I took some new pictures with it today. O and if you notice yes my tree and decorations are down already that's just my thing I love Christmas but the next day it all has to be put away ive had my fill and im done with it I know its crazy but anyway here are the pics I took today
the girls road around the house all day with their scooters
 Santa got them
My dryer door broke so now I need to tape it and put a chair against it ( so redneck)
Lily did her hair and makeup with her new vanity
While ana took care of her baby in her new nursery
I tried a new hairstyle on anabella
I just have to show off my new pillow my sister got me
We played Trouble
and the girls did some yoga on their new yoga mats. That was my day and as you can see some of the photos are blurry and some are good I have a lot of practicing to do. I hope to have more for you tomorrow so until then


Merry Christmas everyone hope it was great. As you see in the title this is part 1 and that is because I got a new camera for Christmas and took a lot of pictures with it but I have no idea how to upload them to the computer so I have to wait for carl to come home and help it keeps saying I need something and im not sure what it is so there will be more to come. Ok back to Christmas the day started very early at my house lily decided to wake up at 6am but know one else wanted to get up ( carl and anabella) and let me tell you it is really hard to keep a 5 year old calm when she has presents staring her right in the face. Around 7:30 everyone finally got up
one day santa will bring them bigger rooms to put all this stuff in
Santa brought skittles and anabella a new coat
After our egg and pancake breakfast we went to carls moms house sorry I forgot to take pictures there I got a little caught up in it all. once we got back to the house we had to get ready to go to my moms house and like always we got there later then I wanted to we said 1 and got there at 4:30
Dinner was really good. Later we watched the Croods (thanks santa) it was a good movie and like all kid movies it made me cry at the end I would recommend this movie. By the time the movie was over we were all so tired so we said our goodnight and went home. When we got home my house was a mess we had been just leaving the presents in the living room and there was nowhere to put anything. I spent the whole next day cleaning. I will tell you more when I get the rest of the picture so ill talk to u later. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Christmas eve is finally here. Today was full of running around getting last minute things. To our surprise we got stuck in a little blizzard the roads were just crazy. I have to laugh every time I see a 4wheel drive car in a ditch. They think they can just speed right thro the snow but they can't. We made it to my moms ok and got the girls home I really did miss them. I made yummy cookies for Santa and other people

wrapped the presents the girls got each other and grandparents Then sat on the couch and anabella read the Night Before Christmas

                              They opened the last door of their chocolate advent calenders
We hung up the star
and put out the cookies Hot chocolate and carrots along with some letters they wrote Santa
Now its time to go to bed well the girls at least I still have lots to do so I hope all of you have a happy and safe


Yesterday we finally started our Christmas shopping you got to love last minute shopping. So my adventure started by packing the kids and taking them to my moms for a sleep over

The garbage bag had their pillows and blanket. Then we were off we got to the first store (kmart) at
I spent 3 days making a nice list of everything I wanted to get people it had pictures and everything. we start looking around and they don't have any of it so right off the bat my list is pointless. So we looked around for an hour or 2  got a few things then went to walmart. Now this is were it all happened. Carl had to get a new wedding ring so we decided to get him one for Christmas. His first mistake was letting me hold it. We checked out at one of those self check out at walmart got to the car and the ring was gone we looked throw every bag pocket purse it was gone. I was so upset carl was no help he kept picking on me we went back in and looked everywhere. Well we didn't find to much at walmart so we went back to kmart
I am so glade I wore sneakers my whole body hurt. I have never had such a hard time spending money as I did last night ( the joy of last minute shopping) After we get all done we decide to go back to walmart and see if anyone found the ring and they did I was so HAPPY. I left it in the shopping cart that I put back in the store ( we had two carts)  and some guy brought it in. Thank goodness some people still have kind hearts it was not a cheap ring either. while we were there we remembered we need wrapping paper and all that stuff and some small little things.
At this time we were on our was home and thank goodness I don't want to seem like a 5 yr old but I had reached my wining stage I was the one going can we go now I want to go home im tired im hungry ya it was sad.
This is the time we got home we were gone for 8 hours now I have a livingroom full of presents that have be wrapped before the girls come home and make more cookies and we have to go back to the store to get some more presents because we just couldn't find what we wanted for some people but were just going to dollar general ( nice and close) so im writing this at 8 in the morning I will have Lots of picture of tomorrow to share with you and I hope everyone has a safe and happy

Saturday, December 21, 2013


The weather today was beautiful the sun was out the bird were chirping and it was warm. So warm that my husband took his bike for a ride today he missed her so much. We spent the day playing outside.

Even my chicken came out to play  for the first this winter
Anabella got to go to daddy's work and play with the animals it was really funny the turkeys were laughing at her when even she yelled at them it sounded like they were laughing and the donkeys kept trying to eat her coat ill put the video below it was so much better in person later on in the day it got dark and rainy it amazon how fast the weather changes at times. I hope you got to go outside today.

Friday, December 20, 2013


Sorry I haven't writing in a couple of days to be honest there just wasn't much to write about. I have just been going thro the girls rooms and getting rid of toys they don't play with anymore so I have room for all the new toys Santa is going to bring. If Santa even stops by here, I don't know what it is but my girls have been so bad they don't lesson they fight all the time and  they don't want to help around the house. I keep telling them Santa is watching and that they wont get any presents they even got a message from santa saying they were going to be on his naughty list if they didn't shape up and none of it has worked. Im doing something wrong cause my kids just aren't scared of me anymore. Well anyway enough of that weather there good or bad Christmas is still gona be here in 6 days man it really is hard to believe. Were going shopping on Mondays so another year of last minute shopping for me but I have a list of everything I want to get people so it should go fast if they still have stuff in stock. ( fingers crossed) I really HOPE carl like what I picked out for him its not on his list but everything on his list is from the internet and it wont be here on Christmas so Im gona get him something else he wanted he asked for it months ago I hope he still wants it. I try really hard every year to get him something he likes he really is the hardest person to shop for he's one of those people that its best to just give money and a card to maybe one days ill just give up and do just that. O  I have to share this its just to funny I was looking for a toaster and I came across this one
 What makes it funny is our last name is Plant lol if it wasn't so much money I would get it they want almost a hundred dollars for it. (CRAZY)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Today was yet another snow day I love my girls but school time is me time and if they don't go to school I don't get my me time which makes mommy very crabby. The worst part is they start their 12 day Christmas vacation  in 2 days.  All they are doing is fighting Im finally at the point where  in less there's blood I DON'T CARE! I managed to get then to sit still a few seconds at a time so I could get there Christmas photos done.




Later we tried to go outside to play but it was just toooo cold which really sucks I want those days when it 30 or 40 out and a foot or 2 of snow and you actually break a sweat. Before dinner we got to watch the Nutcracker and the girls danced all over the house while I make dinner. You would think all that dancing would tier them out but nope they are still going strong. Hopefully they go to bed soon I am beat. even tho I bet u by the time they go to bed and I get everything cleaned I will get my second wind and be up till 3 that happens to me all the time. Does that ever happen to u?  Well I will leave you with a video of anabella dancing to the Nutcracker I don't even no if u knows I took this lol

Sunday, December 15, 2013


I reposted this because a lot of people are asking me where im getting my question. I  got this from you should check her out. So on to todays question Travel vs Stay home for Christmas? I have a very crazy Christmas every year we start by having Christmas morning at home and after breakfast we go to my in-laws then for dinner we go to my parents. I say every year that I wish we could stay home and just relax but I know myself I would regret it I love spending time with family and I can't wait to give everyone their presents and hey at least at my moms I don't have to cook. Now here is the twist I would not want to travel more the an hour on Christmas. The roads are loaded with people who are rushing around and my husband and I always fight in the car we both think we are the best driver im sure u know what I mean so I would be tired from the night before then id me mad from the car ride and im sure the kids would be doing the are we there yet game so ya I don't see long travel working out for us. Long story short short travel yes long travel stay home. I would love to here what your opinion is so leave me a comment and feel free to join in to any of these question.


This weekend was crazy fun long and cold. We spent all day Saturday trying to film a video on how to make my families 5 way holiday cookies. We cleaned the kitchen did hair and makeup got the lighting all ready which was anything but easy. The girls cut up all the cherries while they waited lol it was funny because their fingers turn red and they couldn't clean it off.

When everything was set I put out all the ingredients and we practiced our lines
Then the web cam program stopped working so carl had to go on line and find a new one
they were not happy after about 30 min we were once again ready to go well I was but lily was not everything went down hill nothing was working out so we decided to just give up its not worth getting all worked up over it now if I was getting paid good money for it we would have just tapped her to the chair and painted a smile on her lol (just kidding)
Sunday was a better day we made more cookies
While I cooked these cookies and make some others the girls went outside and played in the snow
After lunch the girl got to decorate the sugar cookies
I kept forgetting to take pictures of the other cookies I made I gave some way already but these are what I put them in and they are filled to the top
I do have to share this lily was just being to cute
Hope you all had a great weekend