
Thursday, October 17, 2013


One of the hardest things for me is anger and having anxiety. I cant just get angry like everyone else. when I get angry the feeling scares me and I panic. Now try having two kids that fight and get in trouble. Its so hard for me because when I get angry  at them not really mean and scary but mom angry I need to sit and breath or leave the room but that's not always easy and there are times im sitting here trying to calm down and I can here them fighting in the next room and I cant calm down they don't understand how I feel and that I need timeout its not there fault but it sucks Another kind of anger I deal with is being angry about being this way this is the time of month my attacks really test me im not trying to gross out and guys here but the girls my understand when it gets closer to that time they get worse well for me the get constant there not strong or very long maybe 5 min but they happen all day I get so tired and I just want to cry because even tho I know what they are and that I will be ok they still scare the hell out of me each and every time and I get very angry because I don't like this feeling and I don't want it to happen again but I know it will and that makes me mad and im In a bad mood all day I try to spend a lot of time in my room playing online trying to keep my mind calm but that's also not always easy one bonus is that sometime being a mom and knowing I have to do something gets my mind off it or the girls will do something really cute and I feel happy and calm and other times its just impossible but I make it thro

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