
Monday, October 7, 2013


I have finally decided what im gona blog about. its  going to be about me a mom and wife dealing with anxiety. I have always want to help people. I wanted to be a teacher a nurse a therapist but none of that worked  so maybe this is it my way to help. I have been doing a lot of research about anxiety and panic attacks and I have found that there are a lot of people dealing with it. I have not learned how to stop them yet. I deal with them on a daily bases but the problem with that is that im a mom and just like when a mom has a cold she cant stop and lay in bed all day she has to keep going. so just because im having a ruff day with my anxiety doesn't mean I can crawl into a ball and shut out the world.  I still have to get the kids off to school, clean ,cook, shop ect. and be a wife. The wife part is the harder of the two. My husband is understanding and normally good at helping me thro them but there are times when my attack don't fit into what we want to do that day. There were times he had to miss work, or we could go somewhere he wanted to go because I was scared. He knows they are real but he doesn't understand I cant just turn them off when I want. For exsample one of my new fears is driving well really its the fear of having a panic attack while driving that happened once and now its in my brain that it will happen again anyway I couldnt drive for awhile so he had to drive me everywhere about 2 weeks ago I got back in the car and I did ok but he thinks because I did ok that one time im cured but it dosent work that way I am still very scared to drive and do still have minny attacks in the car but I can control them but everytime I think about cars or driving I get scared dumb I know but that's my life. So this blog is gona be how I get thro the day to day. You will see in this blog that most of my day is normal I will write about what we did that day new things we tried but I might add that when we did this I felt this way and this is how I handled it u know to show others u can live a pretty normal life and have this problem and maybe someone with the same problem will read them and say I had that problem this is what I did it might help next time stuff like that. I wasn't going to go into the whole what caused me to have panic attacks or what they are like for my but if anyone is going thro this and want me explain just let me now and I will I want to help in anyway I can.

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