
Monday, October 21, 2013



                                              ME TIME

When your a mom me time is the one thing we can never find time to pencil in but it is the most important. I know when I have reached my limit and I cant even remember when I shaved my legs last or even washed my hair I need to take some me time. The problem is you are so tense and moody not to mention your family is afraid to even say hello to u that you may need a week of me time just to recharge and none of us have that much time to spare. So my tip this week is to pencil in me time once a week or every other week or even once a month. We plan  everything else in our life why not me time. Mark it on the calendar or in your weekly planer put a heart around it and make sure EVERYONE knows and understands that that is YOUR day. Oh and because our husband always forget important date don't be afraid to remind him more then once.
 By doing this you are setting a goal so when you have those moments when you just want o give up and scream and cry and laugh all at the same time ( you know those moments) you can look at that pretty heart on the calendar and say only a few more days I can do it. Like they always say 'A happy mom means a happy home" so it in our job description to take more me time it may be in small print by it there
Now incase your brains are fried and you cant think of what to do with your me time I have a few of my must haves and must do's
1.The most important thing to do is take that long shower or bath add the bubbles,light the candles put on that CD you love  and don't come out until your prune.
2. Find a quiet place in ur house and curl up with a nice book but make sure to bring some yummy bad for you snacks to eat. Here are some book I just love
(Brides of the west, The rose legacy, Claiming the heart, twilight series and Time is a river)
3. Weather it's with a friend or by yourself you can never go wrong with a good chick flick. Im already an emotional wreck so I like movies that have a little more comedy then sad love stories that make me hate my husbands lack of romance even more
(Because I said so, Confessions of a shopaholic, Leap year, Letters to Juliet, The ugly truth, The holiday and 27 dresses)
4. Get together with friends go out to dinner, see a movie, play some card or just sit and talk.
5. Take a nap
No matter what it is you decides to do for your me time just make sure you finish with a smile and remember  now is always better then later

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