
Monday, October 28, 2013


Now that the weather is getting colder and  we are inside more I've notices the house is shrinking. We have stuff everywhere and none of it is where it belongs. It is that time of year when it is time to get organized again! Now Im not talking going crazy with charts and labels but rather making sure everything has a place and a purpose. Over the summer we gathered a lot of things we don't need. All the fair prizes, the summer crafts the rock collection your child decided to start but then forgot about. I keep a some what clean house i'll be honest im not a neat freak I wish I was but between u and me  "Im lazy" I talk about doing lables and getting bins for everything but it never happens. 1. because I can't really afford the lables and all the bins and boxes 2. because life just gets in the way. So I have come up with my way of being and staying organized without needing a chart to tell me what I need to do on Tuesday.
I take one week mon-fri and go from top to bottom I know that's sound like a lot and already ur shacking u head saying no way but trust me. I make a pile to donate and one to just plain thro away and I start at one end and go nuts. I go thro draws closets and under stuff. Now that the weather is changing to cold i go thro the cloths and take out the summer cloths and donate what wont fit them next year and pack up the rest then i get the winter cloths out of the closet and put them in the draws I also get out the winter coats. I go in the bathroom and go thro all the shampoos and lotions i don't know about u but I seem to collect shampoo and conditioners that have only a little left in them it bad i know but u know. Another place i seem to collect junk is the top of my fridge and on  shelves.  By the time Friday comes around my house is spick and span and empty but now i can keep up with it so much easier because i know where things go and I don't get that pain in the side of my head when i look around or cant find anything. You still need to organize tho but now u have room to organize. you can go tho ur cabinets and put things in a way that works for u .  I don't just do this when the seasons change I do this like every maybe 2 months so i can keep up with it. It is so simple if you only have things you use then you are more likely to clean them or put them away and u don't become overwhelmed. As for the day to day clean up it changes every week I am a stay at home mom and my kids go to school so for me its really easy to keep up and get things done on my time but for many of u who work or have young child at home you may find cleaning a little harder my advice for u is to do what works for u. Ive read so many book and articles on keeping a clean house and make schedules and all that but they never fit into my life so there are times at 1:00 in the morning im mopping my floors or dust the furniture the key is to not stress but if charts and all that work for u great use them there are so many cute charts now a day that u can get and hang up so u know what has to get done. I wish they worked for me but all well. So no matter what u use to be organized try this tip to become organized. I hope this helps let me know your thoughts or maybe you may have some ideas to add to this.

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