
Sunday, October 13, 2013


I have been dreading this day all week the anxiety chat.  I don't like talking or writing about this because it makes it real. I cant pretend I don't have it if I talk about it.  I am going to be strong and keep going tho.  So today I want to talk about things that help me. I am no where near cured but I am a lot better then I was even a month ago. I am not a doctor or anything like that this is all based on research and my own experiences. Two things I have done to help is One: Eat I mean breakfast lunch and dinner and even maybe a snack in between depending on ur day. This helps because when u don't eat the sugar in ur body gets to low and ur body has to make up for the lost energy and if u are an anxious person that's make ur body do the whole DANGER DANGER warning and u get anxious. so if u keep that in check it will help. Two: is to excersise everyday I no they always say that's and it is hard to do we just get lazy at times I still do  but one thing ive done that helps is I walk everyday one nice walk when ever I find the time and im done. Me having my two girls helps because they no we walk and if I don't the bug me until I do. walking helps because it get rid of all that nervous energy that we have stored up inside. Now if u happen to miss a day or didn't get a chance to eat enough what helps me is gateraid or powerade  also a granola bar or any small food the small amounts of food seems easier when in an anxious state of mind I keep granola bars in my car and in my purse in case I ever need them. I still get panic attacks but there not as strong and they don't last as long which is really nice. the next thing I have to overcome is thinking the worst. I have to just do just go for it and show myself im ok easier said then done tho. I still don't like to drive by myself. Im not afraid of driving im afraid of having a panic attack while driving and not being able to get home. home is my safety net. my comfort zone. One other thing I really want to stress is if u no someone who is going thro this a loved one a friend a co worker do the research understand what there going thro it will help u help them even if its just knowing to give them space and time. My husband thinks he knows what im going thro but he has no idea so when I cant drive or go somewhere or eat something with peanuts in it he get mad well frustrated with me and tells me to just get over it and that is the worst thing to tell someone because that's all we want to do and no matter what we try we just cant ( not yet ) its just that he doesn't  understand so really just look it up knowing u have our backs really does help. I really hope this helps someone. if u need to talk or need more info about this let me  know. Its easier to get thro this together then alone. 

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