
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Dear friend What a Weekend!


Dear Friends,

         This weekends weather was soooooooooo nice I really hope its this nice for Easter vacation. Saturday was not to exciting they girls road their scooters and I talked on the phone most the day with my bff

Now Sunday was fun the girls had there friend Julia over they did everything BUT sit still.
they caught worms and other bugs

They went bike riding 4 times  
I helped carl fix the car my job was taking all the nuts and screws out
They made mud pie (yummy)
While I soaked up some much need sun on my white legs
Then when I was helping carl again with car those o so cute little girls took there mud pies and put it on the trampoline and jump in it by the time I noticed it was to late
so they were thrown right in the shower
My poor bathroom
Throw out the day they girls were singing songs I made a little video of them there not full songs because they only no the corus part and the rest was just mumbles but it was still cute. Now its 9:21 and I still here they girls talking in there room I don't know how they are still awake I am so tired and I didn't do half the stuff they did. I hope you and ur family got to go outside and enjoy the weather. if u did what were some of the fun stuff you did?
 the girls video
your warn out friend

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