
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Life At 5ft Nothing (AKA 4ft 9)

I came across these the other night and the more I read the harder I laughed cause they are so true. It really is hard being short. Weather you to are short or you know someone who is Im sure you can relate. Hope you enjoy.

I can hear my sister laughing right now

My husband does this to me ALL the time!!




Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mama's Sloppy Joe

                                      SLOPPY JOE


       (SERVES 4)

Chop all the veg into little pieces
Brown the ground beef until done
then drain and set aside
In the same pan add 2tbs oil
 I used canola oil but you can use any cooking oil
add the veg cook until tender
When tender add meat back in the add ketchup and beef broth
1 1/4 cup ketchup
1 cup beef broth
 Cover and simmer on low for 2 to 3 hour stir every once in awhile
if you notice it going dry add 1/2 cup more broth. The last half hour take off the cover and let it reduce.
because I am a great food blogger I forgot to buy hamburger buns so we used bread but it worked
 and if your kids look like this then you did it right
This makes 4 sandwiches if you want more just double the recipes. When you make this let me know how good it was.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Dear friend, Guess Who went SHOPPING!

Dear Friend,

        I feel like I haven't written in forever but it was only a week. Not a whole lot happened I did get to go SHOPPING!!!! I was kinda bummed they didn't have a lot of stuff I really wanted but I did get lots of nice cloths

but no dresses or skirts
everything I liked they didn't have my size I was so about to have a min tantrum in the middle of the store im mean how do u NOT  of a small but im not going to get mad again  O   O   O and I wanted to get fishing stuff I wanted wader and a vest they didn't have my size wow big surprise they had jrs but the were to small and the vest they had weren't the one's I wanted so carl said we will keep an eye out and I can get them for mothers day. Anyway on a happier note Carl Finally let me cut Anabella's hair. For some reason about 2 inches of here hair is just so thin and it keeps breaking
it was at the middle of her back so a lot came off but its not to short. Lily was not happy that she didn't get hers cut but hers is growing really good and dispite what carl thinks we cant have them always doing and getting everything the same they have to learn to be there own person. Im finally putting up a recipe tonight we are making homemade sloppy joe's and I tell u once you make this you will NEVER go back to can so be sure to look for that

your 5yr old shopaholic Friend

Monday, April 21, 2014


This Easter was the best we've had yet! We woke up ate breakfast and the fun began. First we did an egg hunt which turned into a 20 min hunt and we didn't even find all the eggs on recount lily was missing 2 eggs we looked everywhere but nothing.  Then we were hanging up laundry outside and an egg fell out of the tree it was one of lily's missing eggs and it was all chewed up and the candy was gone we looked up and there was a squirrel looking down at us. Later we played games we did a race around the house then an egg race and last a egg toss with raw eggs. Lucky for us raw eggs are a lot tougher then we thought.  I am so tired this was a LONG day the girls have been past out since before 8pm. Tomorrow looks like another beautiful day I cant wait. I hope all of you had a great Easter.




Thursday, April 17, 2014

Stretch it out (fitness)

Today I woke up feeling very stiff. As I got ready to do another day of XHIT workouts I thought there is no way I can do this. So I lissoned to my body and looked for a good stretching video and because XHIT is so good they had just what I needed Hot Yoga Workout I felt so good afterwards. Taking time to just stretch your body is really important I myself sometimes forget that. You have to lission to your body. When you do this exercise let me know how is worked for you. I could believe how even tho I was just stretching I still worked up a sweat.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Husband vs Wife in Fitness

I don't know how things are with you and your spouse but me and my husband are VERY COMPEDITIVE we seem to compete in everything we do and fitness is no different. I have been working out for awhile now but he just started and now he thinks he knows everything lol men.  He is doing workout by Mike Chang at Six Pack Abs

and Im doing XHITS
We have spent the last couple of day going back and forth about well they said to do this well mine said to do this. Who is Right?
BOTH see the thing is we are working on two different parts of our body he is working his upper half ( stomach chest arms ) and Im working my whole body also I am working to gain and keep weight on and he is working to take weight off. Long story short what works for one doesn't work for another. You have to do the research and look at different workouts and meal plans to see what is best for you. Even me I was doing bloglaties for a year but I wasn't seeing the results I really wanted but now that I changed over to XHIT I already see result after a week and a half Its just one of those trial and error things. While it is good to have someone to workout with  and to keep each other motivated but inless you are doing the same workout plans You have to let them do their thing and you do yours and just give each other lots of compliments.   

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Dear friend What a Weekend!


Dear Friends,

         This weekends weather was soooooooooo nice I really hope its this nice for Easter vacation. Saturday was not to exciting they girls road their scooters and I talked on the phone most the day with my bff

Now Sunday was fun the girls had there friend Julia over they did everything BUT sit still.
they caught worms and other bugs

They went bike riding 4 times  
I helped carl fix the car my job was taking all the nuts and screws out
They made mud pie (yummy)
While I soaked up some much need sun on my white legs
Then when I was helping carl again with car those o so cute little girls took there mud pies and put it on the trampoline and jump in it by the time I noticed it was to late
so they were thrown right in the shower
My poor bathroom
Throw out the day they girls were singing songs I made a little video of them there not full songs because they only no the corus part and the rest was just mumbles but it was still cute. Now its 9:21 and I still here they girls talking in there room I don't know how they are still awake I am so tired and I didn't do half the stuff they did. I hope you and ur family got to go outside and enjoy the weather. if u did what were some of the fun stuff you did?
 the girls video
your warn out friend