
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

        Today im gonna talk fitness. I can here you growning from her. Spring is here and its the perfect time to get im shape. Its also that time of year when we all need new cloths or just want new cloth and we want to look good in them. Before I go any further I MUST clear something up fitness is NOT just for people over weight. Fitness is to be health, to feel energized, and to not be overweight.
           Everybody has their own type of exercise they like to do weather its weight lifting, running, going to the gym, dancing, yoga/pilates . One this blog I will only be talking about certain exercises because one I like them and two because I know the most about them. Now having said that I must tell u I am not a fitness teacher and I did not go to school for it. I learned by research and personal experience.
  So the types of exercises I do are running/walking, Pilates and yoga not all in one day I like to change it up every few days so I don't get board. I want this to be Us working together not me telling you what to do. I have not run or done much walking all winter so I am out of shape I do pilates everyday but running and walking are using different muscles. Im going to set a date really like this week were im going to start my everyday workout and you are all welcome to join.
    What im going to do is put pictures or links of the workout im going to do that day. I am also going to run everyday on top of the workout you don't have to you can just run or just do the workout or you can walk instead I know not everyone likes to run  . Also there is no set time of day you have to do this if you only have time at night fine or sometimes you can in the morning and others days at night what ever you have to do is perfect. Many of you including me have know one to workout with not pushing you so with this we can help each other.
You can leave me comment on here or twitter, facebook or google plus even if its just to tell me that todays workout killed you and you hate me right know or to tell me that you want to do more butt exercises even just to tell me how good you did today. I get lazy to I am the queen of ill do it tomorrow so I need you support to and the more I see it im helping even just one of you it will give me that push to keep going. 
So if this sounds good to you TELL ME!
and if its not for you fine I will still be doing my normal daily blog and I want to get more recipes and crafts  and now that its getting warmer we will be doing a lot more so the blogs Will get more exciting .

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