
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Dear Friend, Like our snow men

Dear Friend,

 Even tho I felt like crap I dragged myself outside for some fresh air. It was nice the sun was out the birds were singing. I even went for a walk. It was really cool lily and I were walking and we saw a big tree fall in the woods. I know its not THAT cool but I thought it was. The girls got to make snow men
Sadly ana's fell down. Then they had to dig daddys bike out of the snow
and while they did that I hung up some treats for the birds
The sun felt really good but after and hour or so I was done. We went inside and just sat. Well carl and I sat the girls don't know what it means to sit still but they were really sick the last couple of days so it was nice to see them feeling better. The only problem was I felt bad so I was a little cranky today ok maybe a lot cranky today. I tried to hide in my room but that never works moms are always needed for something then u add that carl was sick to so it was a long ruff day but we made it thro. The girls went to bed nice and easy now carl and I are just laying here relaxing for the fist time today lol. So did you get to enjoy today? what did u do? I always love to here from u. Well im think im going to try to get some sleep Ill talk to u soon.
Your sniffling friend

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