
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How To Get Motivated To Workout

Summer is right around the corner and with that comes shorts, tang tops and the dreaded bathing suit. I like many of you lack the motivation to get off my butt and get in shape. We talk about doing it we even went out and bought new workout cloths, shoes and equipment but then we play the I'll so it  tomorrow game. Am I right? Well I have found a great system that really works and I know it works because Ive been trying it for a week now. What it all comes down to he have constant reminders around the house telling you to work out. So here are some simple tips to become and stay motivated to work out in the morning

1. Put your cloths out before bed. Put them on ur night stand or dresser. So when you wake up its right there waiting.

2. Go to bed early. It will help you get up early and your body will work harder for you.

3. Set two alarms. I set one alarm next to me and then I set my cell phone alarm and put it on my dresser. It make you have to get up and once your up its easier to stay up.

4. Let in the sun. Open the shades as soon as you wake up. When your eyes see light they let your brain know it time to wake up. I even had my husband open the shades before he went to work. If my room is dark I aint getting up.

5. Put notes around the house.  I put little notes on my bedroom wall, coffee pot and bathroom mirror. Just little reminders to WORKOUT.

6. Have equipment in the open. So as your eating breakfast or cleaning up a little its staring you right in the face.

7. Keep it fun. Make sure the exercise your doing is fun. If your not having fun you wont want to do it again tomorrow youtube has lots of fun routines for all exercises. I love Pilates myself.

Do all this every night before bed for a whole week and you will see that by Friday its easier to get up and get started. I hope this helps you but if will only help you if you get up and DO IT!

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