
Friday, March 28, 2014

Dear Friend How do they do it?

Dear friend,

Today was such a dark ucky day. I wont lie I spent most of it sitting in bed watching tv and playing online I CANT STOP going on Pinterest I have a real problem. I waited for the rain to stop and finally got dressed and went out for my run at 3:00pm not the smartest thing ive done. I got done a few minutes before the bus came and the girls saw me in my workout close and kept begging to go on a run I told them I just got back from one and was to tired ya cause me telling kids im tired is suppose to mean something right. Me being the great mom that I am said ok let me rest and get dinner ready and we will go. What they hear was go throw ur stuff on the living room floor and lets go. lol I can't help but smile so after a little bit we went for a walk
Lily brought her baby tiger I thought ok cause any other time we talk her dolls she walks soooooo slow and I was up for that
Nope she would push the stroller really hard and run after it and do it again and before I knew it
I was eating their dust. anabella decided she wanted to run a mile so I said go for it thinking this girl will be to poops soon enough
nope she went from that tree to me 8 times no problem
 then they went and jumped on the trampoline and here I am having trouble taking off my shoes I don't know how they do it but my new goal is to be like my 9 yr old daughter lol well there you go I ran I walked I wrote two book reviews and now a daily blog im either going to take a nice hot bath or just pull the covers up and go to sleep ill let u know tomorrow what I did.
your pooped friend

A Wanted Man book review

  This books is about Love, Sex, Fear, Hope and Death

It is based in the 1900's when women were often thought of as things to own and sex was ment  only for his pleasure and to bare children. Well in this book Rowdy Rhodes is about to teach one women  how she is suppose to be treated. While saving a town and dealing with his past and all that comes with it.

This story is the second book of The Man From Stone Creek . Its about Rowdy Rhodes a man running from his past who became a marshal overnight. He is asked to help take down another gang of train robbers But little did they know he knew more about this gang then he cared to share. He should have ran but he was tired of running and he wanted to make a difference for once. Also there was Lark Morgan weird name for a girl I agree. She was a  school teacher with a secret all her own. They quickly fell in love but they tried to fight it both knowing there past would rip them apart but  Rowdy was going to have as much fun as he could until then He was not afraid to tell her just what he thought about her or what he wanted to do to her he was a cocky asshole the whole book and yet wow it worked. In the end tho he had a decision to make he could run or he could do is job and bring the gang in but by doing that  they would know who he was and he'd be locked up or worse. The ending got really emotional  I was shocked then sad then happy the shocked again. Once again the ending was a surprise and again my words don't do it justice you really have to read it and its one of those books where if you didn't read the first one you wont be lost . When you read this let me know that you think.

The Man From Stone Creek Book Review

This book has : Love, Death, Happiness, Sex, and Murder
It is a Women's Western based back in 1900's when women weren't suppose to show affection to men until there wedding night and being alone with a man would spred rumors and a mans word held true no matter what.
This Book was hard to put down every chapter leaves you wanting to know what happens next. It is about an Arizona Ranger named Sam O'Ballivan  who is sent to Stone Creek to go under cover as a school teacher to stop a gang of train robbers. Sam had done many jobs like this before but none of them had Maddie Chanceler a beautiful strong willed women who worked at the local store.  Maddie didn't like him the moment she saw him and yet she couldn't stop starring  and the trouble was neither could he but he had a job to do and a girl waiting for him back home. I don't want to tell you to much but maddie the store keeper is some how involved with the the train robber. Just as Sam and Maddie start to fall in love Sam's bride to be makes a surprise visit. The members of the gang were a total surprise to me I would have never guessed and no its not Maddie. the last couple of chapters get real hot and heavy that took me by surprise I blushed A LOT! Also close to the end there is a new character call Rowdy Rhodes remember him because she shows up in the second book.
I promise you will not regret reading this even me writing this does it no justice I just want to tell you all about it so if you do read it let me know what you thought and make sure you read #2 A Wanted Man

Thursday, March 27, 2014

First Run

Today I decided to start my run. I was going to wait till the weather warmed up more but living in Pa if you wait for good weather you will get nothing done. So if you are going to follow me on this little workout goal then here we go. Weather you are running or walking there are some things you need to remember.

1. You have to stretch before    These stretches are the same for running as walking



2. Don't over do it! If your getting tired stop and rest for a few minute. If your running try walking a little. If you get tired you start to lose balance and you can fall, your breathing gets out of wack and you get to winded. Also your form gets sloppy and you could end up injuring yourself.
3. Don't just stop. When you finish your run walk around a little to losing up the muscles you can even do the stretches again same with walkers .
4. When your all done and resting give yourself a thumbs up.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

     Dear friend,

            Im cold and im sick of being cold. They say this weekend is going to be warm I can't wait but at the same time im afraid to look at what next week will bring. This winter has been so long for everybody. I watch a couple of people on youtube and they are all going to the park and some are wearing shorts and here we are still in winter cloths. I like pa but I don't think im made for this weather. Anyway do you like my blog I love it its just so pretty and I feel warmer just looking at it. I have been working very hard on the blog to get it so there is a little bit of something for everybody. I still have a lot to go so bare with me its harder then it looks. Im going to have Recipes, fitness, books, carfts and the daily blog with my family. Now all the new blogs are going to be on the home page just like always but because im going to be putting more then one up a day if you just want to read one's on recipes, or books, ect then you click on the bottom on top that says books and it will send you to all the post I did on book or you can just scrawl  on down and read them all and if they are blank it just means I haven't done one yet but keep checking cause I will be adding them soon.
so that is what I have been working on I kinda lucked out having a cold this week cause I just sat in bed and worked. I know this post was a little boring but I just wanted to share what have been working on and let you guys know how to work it. STAY WARM!

                                                                  Your over dressed for spring friend

        Today im gonna talk fitness. I can here you growning from her. Spring is here and its the perfect time to get im shape. Its also that time of year when we all need new cloths or just want new cloth and we want to look good in them. Before I go any further I MUST clear something up fitness is NOT just for people over weight. Fitness is to be health, to feel energized, and to not be overweight.
           Everybody has their own type of exercise they like to do weather its weight lifting, running, going to the gym, dancing, yoga/pilates . One this blog I will only be talking about certain exercises because one I like them and two because I know the most about them. Now having said that I must tell u I am not a fitness teacher and I did not go to school for it. I learned by research and personal experience.
  So the types of exercises I do are running/walking, Pilates and yoga not all in one day I like to change it up every few days so I don't get board. I want this to be Us working together not me telling you what to do. I have not run or done much walking all winter so I am out of shape I do pilates everyday but running and walking are using different muscles. Im going to set a date really like this week were im going to start my everyday workout and you are all welcome to join.
    What im going to do is put pictures or links of the workout im going to do that day. I am also going to run everyday on top of the workout you don't have to you can just run or just do the workout or you can walk instead I know not everyone likes to run  . Also there is no set time of day you have to do this if you only have time at night fine or sometimes you can in the morning and others days at night what ever you have to do is perfect. Many of you including me have know one to workout with not pushing you so with this we can help each other.
You can leave me comment on here or twitter, facebook or google plus even if its just to tell me that todays workout killed you and you hate me right know or to tell me that you want to do more butt exercises even just to tell me how good you did today. I get lazy to I am the queen of ill do it tomorrow so I need you support to and the more I see it im helping even just one of you it will give me that push to keep going. 
So if this sounds good to you TELL ME!
and if its not for you fine I will still be doing my normal daily blog and I want to get more recipes and crafts  and now that its getting warmer we will be doing a lot more so the blogs Will get more exciting .

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dear Friend, Look What I Found

Dear Friend,

Yesterday was so nice it makes today seem so cold and dark. I hope you got to get out and enjoy it and those who we sick Im sorry and I hope you get well soon. I got a lot done yesterday I filled 3 big garbage bags full of just crap from outside a lot of it is still frozen to the ground but I made a dent. Also my dryer has not been working all winter and the laundry is taking over my bathroom, I just cant keep up with it. So I put up 2 cloths lines
and no I will NOT be hanging underwear. It so nice I was doing one load a day and with this I did 3 loads in one day. The sad thing was ana had trouble thinking of what to were today cause there was to many choses. After all that we went for a nice long walk
well I walked they ran
we went to the bridge and made the truck honk their horns even at 27 I still do a happy dance every time we get one to honk.
they had to jump in every puddle they found and they lucked out and found a little river running down the road
We went back home and had lunch at the picnic table
and look what I found
today the girls are hanging out at their friends house it was suppose to be just ana but she said lily could come to so I got the house to myself  (thank you) so after I finish this blog I think I might go to the store by myself figure out dinner and maybe clean or maybe just sit on the couch and watch tv we will see.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Dear Friend, Im reading to shed these layers

Dear Friend,
                 I know it has been along time since I have written but to be honest there just wasn't anything to write about. It feels real good to write again I just love sharing with you and hearing back from you. I know some of you can't write back because of that whole google plus thing but remember you can also write me on twitter and facebook my info is on the side. I am so happy it is spring even tho looking out my window its hard to believe. I already feel my feet itching to get out and about. Looking at my yard today now that most of the snow is gone I saw how bad my yard really is its a mess.There are lawn chairs all over Christmas boxes I never finished burning, toys,  garbage Its gona take me all weekend to clean it up. I don't really mind its a fresh start even tho while cleaning it all up I might say a few chose words but deep deep down ill be happy. Ill be really happen when I can shed some of these layers I hate being all bundles I feel like I cant move. I want shorts a tang top and bare feet. How about u what are you most looking forward to? and jen u cant say for me to come vistit  it has to be something else lol. One thing im not looking forward to is spring cleaning. are you? Im not starting the inside spring cleaning part until its warm enough to get my room back and o what a happy day that will be. Im sure most of you know that I have started reading children's stories if not ill leave one at the bottom so u can check it out. I decided to do it because ana and lily like watching those kind of things on youtube and I thought I love to read why not join in the fun and im trying to find books that not every kids knows I mean u should see how many little red riding hood or 3 little pigs there are on youtube so I want ones that are just as good but they will be new to them and they have little lessons in them like to keep your room clean and go to bed on time and not to be mean to others stuff like that. Well it might not be ever bodies cup of tea but im having fun making them of there is any story you kids like or you liked as a child that u think might me fun to read let me know.  
Anyway im just glad its spring even tho people tell me that we might get more of that u know what (evil white stuff) I know the sun is brighter the plants and  trees will still bloom the days are longer and the air is fresher.
little miss sunshine 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Dear Friend, Like our snow men

Dear Friend,

 Even tho I felt like crap I dragged myself outside for some fresh air. It was nice the sun was out the birds were singing. I even went for a walk. It was really cool lily and I were walking and we saw a big tree fall in the woods. I know its not THAT cool but I thought it was. The girls got to make snow men
Sadly ana's fell down. Then they had to dig daddys bike out of the snow
and while they did that I hung up some treats for the birds
The sun felt really good but after and hour or so I was done. We went inside and just sat. Well carl and I sat the girls don't know what it means to sit still but they were really sick the last couple of days so it was nice to see them feeling better. The only problem was I felt bad so I was a little cranky today ok maybe a lot cranky today. I tried to hide in my room but that never works moms are always needed for something then u add that carl was sick to so it was a long ruff day but we made it thro. The girls went to bed nice and easy now carl and I are just laying here relaxing for the fist time today lol. So did you get to enjoy today? what did u do? I always love to here from u. Well im think im going to try to get some sleep Ill talk to u soon.
Your sniffling friend

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How To Get Motivated To Workout

Summer is right around the corner and with that comes shorts, tang tops and the dreaded bathing suit. I like many of you lack the motivation to get off my butt and get in shape. We talk about doing it we even went out and bought new workout cloths, shoes and equipment but then we play the I'll so it  tomorrow game. Am I right? Well I have found a great system that really works and I know it works because Ive been trying it for a week now. What it all comes down to he have constant reminders around the house telling you to work out. So here are some simple tips to become and stay motivated to work out in the morning

1. Put your cloths out before bed. Put them on ur night stand or dresser. So when you wake up its right there waiting.

2. Go to bed early. It will help you get up early and your body will work harder for you.

3. Set two alarms. I set one alarm next to me and then I set my cell phone alarm and put it on my dresser. It make you have to get up and once your up its easier to stay up.

4. Let in the sun. Open the shades as soon as you wake up. When your eyes see light they let your brain know it time to wake up. I even had my husband open the shades before he went to work. If my room is dark I aint getting up.

5. Put notes around the house.  I put little notes on my bedroom wall, coffee pot and bathroom mirror. Just little reminders to WORKOUT.

6. Have equipment in the open. So as your eating breakfast or cleaning up a little its staring you right in the face.

7. Keep it fun. Make sure the exercise your doing is fun. If your not having fun you wont want to do it again tomorrow youtube has lots of fun routines for all exercises. I love Pilates myself.

Do all this every night before bed for a whole week and you will see that by Friday its easier to get up and get started. I hope this helps you but if will only help you if you get up and DO IT!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Dear Friend, I needed a laugh

Dear Friend,

         Last night I couldn't sleep. I haven't been able to sleep the last couple of night to be honest. I think a lot has to do with my lack of motivation. Its not that I don't want to do things its just there aint much to do. So im just not tired at night. So I am determined to change that I have some fun ideas for spring and I have 14 days to get them all figured out. I want to do crafts and food and some other fun things  so be sure to keep an eye out for up coming blogs. Back to me not being able to sleep last night I ended up going on google and found some funny quote I thought I would share them with u.

our get alone shirt 
I think I might make one of these for my girls
this one wasn't funny but it sure put a smile on my face how bout u?
your drooling friend