
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Dear Friend, My house smells to pretty

              Dear friend,

                        Thank you for all the get wells I am feeling better today not 100% yet but better. It was so nice to wake up to your letter it really brightened my day. Im glad the kids are potty trained even tho it sucks getting up ever 20 minutes at night cause they keep saying I have to pee and you know they don't but the one time you say no is the one time they do but is cheaper then diapers. Congrades on losing the weight. I started my pilates workouts again the other day I did the leg workout you would have laughed so hard I couldn't walk right it even hurt to sit down. Yes we have seen teen beach I love that movie we have seen it like 5 times. Im sure you wondering about the title of this letter. Well the girl decided they wanted to clean the house this morning while I was sleeping so they took a new bottle of dish soap and cleaned everything the tv the tv stand the table the fridge the bathroom and the bottle is almost gone and it was one of those big ones. We woke up to the strongest smell I still have a headache from it. I washed everything but it was a joke the more I washed the soapier it got I had the windows open and the fans going most the day. I hate when they no better and they should get punished but then they were just trying to help and be nice. It was so strong we ate dinner in my room thank goodness for cold cuts and chips

and yes we used paper towels as plates lol.  I don't know about you but I am getting real cabin fever. I NEED summer to come soon there is just nothen to do I want to go fishing and hiking, camping or just have a cook out in the back yard. What about you how are you holding up this winter? What are some of the things you want to do most this summer?  Please write back on here or on facebook. If you are wondering how im answering questions check out the comments on yesterdays blog. If you write me I will write you back on here.
                                              Your friend

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