
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dear Friend, Lets grow broccoli

                      Dear Friend,

                    Im sorry I have not writing in so long we have been so sick. It seems like when one gets better another gets sick and because im the one taking care of them of just keep getting sick and when im not sick im to tired to stand let alone write a letter that makes any sense. Even now it is 3:36 in the morning lily woke up cause her stomach was hurting it was just gas thank goodness but now she is wide awake and I am so not. It was so cute Friday Lily came home from school on a mission her and her friend decided they were going to grow broccoli. She says they asked the lunch lady for some broccoli and they wrapped it in a napkin and when she came home she carfully opened it and got a cup of water then put the broccoli in the water and says that's its going to grow so now I will always have broccoli when she wants it. Its crazy they way they think at times.  It was so cute I had to take a video ill put it down below. I finally told her today that it wont grow but that we can grow some this summer she was a little sad but now she just keeps asking how much longer till we can start the garden. OMG it is almost 4 am I have so much I want to do during the day but I have been sleeping all day and it looks like today will be the same ggggrrrrr. im going to lay on the couch and close my eyes a little maye she will go to sleep thank goodness there is a 2 hour delay.

                                                                                                Your Friend



Thursday, January 23, 2014

Dear Friend, I lost my ring!

        Dear Friend,

                  I am beginning to think im a jinks with wedding rings. If you read my blog you will know that around Christmas I lost my husbands wedding ring lucky for my we found it. I didn't want to say anything until I was really sure but I have looked everywhere and call all the stores I went to and my wedding ring is lost. I am so heart broken I think I had it on before I went to the store but when we came home the ring was gone. My hands have been so dry that the ring was feeling loose I thought nothing of it but now I wish I did. Carl says we can get a new one but this ring is from our wedding a new one wont have the same meaning you know what I mean? I know a lot of women who lost there wedding rings I just feel so stupid. I still have hope I will find it maybe in the car or in the house somewhere I did look in all those places but maybe I over looked it. My hand feels so bear lol carl just said he's glad he didn't buy the really pricy one I wanted Im glad to.

                                                                                                        Your ringless friend

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dear Friend, Im a nervous mom.

                Dear Friend,

                             I am a nervous mom I can't help it. This year at school Lily gets to do roller skating  after school every Wednesday. I don't want her to go. I was nervous when ana first started but she was in 2nd grade lily is only in kindergarden. Im afraid that she will not know what to do and get scared or that she will get on the bus then I will go get her and she wont be there because she gets out from skating at 4:00 and they get home from school at 4:00. A part of me says she will do just fine and im sure the teachers will make sure they know what to do but I cant help wishing for no school tomorrow or no afterschool activities.  I know you are probably shaking your head at me right now but she is my baby. Anyway how was your day? Mine was very cold and boring I didn't get to read my book today. The kids coming home early threw my whole day. Im reading  Time is a river I love this book Im going to be doing a book review about it soon but if you cants wait look it up it by Mary Alice Monroe  I read it last year I even took up fly fishing because of it you'll have to read it to understand. I put a new app on my blog today it a countdown to spring app its on the right side here. I really can't wait O and as far as what I want to do for a girls weekend this summer anything but be inside  I want to go horse back riding, canoeing, shopping, play cards, anything and everything. Im so going to bed early tonight I had such a hard time sleeping last night I tossed and turned all night between working out and the cold weather my legs were killing me. Remember you can write me on here or facebook, google plus and twitter. I really am loving all the letter I've been getting and I hope for many more.

                     Come join me I can
                always get more chairs

                                                                                                                      Your friend

Monday, January 20, 2014

Dear Friend, Today was parent teacher confrences

               Dear Friend,

                       Im sure your sister would love you to kidnap her and and make her sit back drink tea and just talk about everything and nothing. Also thank you friend for the advice about mixing 50% water and 50% alcohol to get off soapy stuff and I am so trying it on my mirrors I'll let you know how it goes. Today was parent teacher conference It did not go as we thought it would. We new anabella was having trouble in math she has been bringing home some bad grades but it turned out she is doing ok and she is still passing math not by much but she is doing a lot better then we thought and she is doing great in all her other subject so that was a relief. Then we had to go she Lily's teacher and she had a whole list of things lily need work in. The funny thing is at home she does theses thing fine she does know these things but when she is in school she does them all wrong she is only in kindergarden so its stuff like learning to write knowing you numbers and being able to read small words. We saw her writing book and we couldn't even read what it said but at home she writes me letters all the time it really blew our minds. I think a lot has to do with she gets board very quick not like she has A.D.D. or anything Just that in pre school she had young teachers who were just as crazy as her but now she has an old teacher she has to be late 60 early 70 no lie not to say anything is wrong with older people I just don't think they make good kindergarden teachers she just seems cold to me. Well any way there calling for more snow so  summer wont be her tomorrow so I guess I will just stay in the house and clean maybe read a book have you read any good book lately? I look forward to reading more of you letters. Remember write me on here, google, facebook ,or twitter.

                                                                                                           Your Friend


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Dear Friend, My house smells to pretty

              Dear friend,

                        Thank you for all the get wells I am feeling better today not 100% yet but better. It was so nice to wake up to your letter it really brightened my day. Im glad the kids are potty trained even tho it sucks getting up ever 20 minutes at night cause they keep saying I have to pee and you know they don't but the one time you say no is the one time they do but is cheaper then diapers. Congrades on losing the weight. I started my pilates workouts again the other day I did the leg workout you would have laughed so hard I couldn't walk right it even hurt to sit down. Yes we have seen teen beach I love that movie we have seen it like 5 times. Im sure you wondering about the title of this letter. Well the girl decided they wanted to clean the house this morning while I was sleeping so they took a new bottle of dish soap and cleaned everything the tv the tv stand the table the fridge the bathroom and the bottle is almost gone and it was one of those big ones. We woke up to the strongest smell I still have a headache from it. I washed everything but it was a joke the more I washed the soapier it got I had the windows open and the fans going most the day. I hate when they no better and they should get punished but then they were just trying to help and be nice. It was so strong we ate dinner in my room thank goodness for cold cuts and chips

and yes we used paper towels as plates lol.  I don't know about you but I am getting real cabin fever. I NEED summer to come soon there is just nothen to do I want to go fishing and hiking, camping or just have a cook out in the back yard. What about you how are you holding up this winter? What are some of the things you want to do most this summer?  Please write back on here or on facebook. If you are wondering how im answering questions check out the comments on yesterdays blog. If you write me I will write you back on here.
                                              Your friend

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Dear Friend

            Dear Friend,

                  I have come to think of this blog less as a place to give advice and more a place to just talk. I feel like I can tell you anything so I think I will just write to you and when you open my letters everyday you can think of it as opening a letter from a friend

                Today was a long day I should really watch the weather more I had no idea it was going to snow. I woke up to the ground covered and the snow coming down it really was pretty. I opened all the curtain and the house was filled with a blue light. My peaceful morning didn't last very long. Just our luck we are all not feeling very well nothing to bad just a yucky feeling. I made the girl breakfast they said they wanted French toast and scrambled eggs and ive been a mom long enough to no better when the kids aren't feeling well they don't really eat so I slaved over the stove and they didn't even eat it. After I cleaned up  I went to wake carl up for work and the minute I left the room they stared its just not fair when I get sick I don't want to move or talk but no matter how sick they are they just keep going.

              I couldn't wait for carl get home it was only noon and I threw up my white flag around 10:00am. We were all in bad moods I figured if I sent them both to there rooms they would just settle down and be quiet. They were quiet for about 20 minutes then lily kept sneaking into ana's room bothering her all I kept hearing was MOM! don't kids get headaches? Finally carl came home he was not planning on dealing with the kids today he had some things he wanted to do. Which also met he was now in a bad mood to I don't blame him I hate when you get all excited to do something then the plain get changed on you. It was my fault I was so happy I got up early today but then I layed in bed to check my emails and facebook stuff like that and I fell asleep and knowing how I felt he let me sleep. I slept for 2 hours and woke up feeling worse then I did before.

               I made dinner and again know one ate it but carl we ended up going threw the cabinets and finding small stuff to nibble on. The girls went to bed early tonight one because I couldn't take the fighting anymore and two because they were so tired not that they would admit it. I took a nice warm bath I felt good in the bath but now im back to feeling yucky man I really hope I feel better tomorrow. I feel so selfish this letter has been all about me how are you doing. I hope you and you r family are feeling well. Is there anything new with you?  If you read this please don't be afraid to write me back I love letters write me on here or write me on facebook.

                                                                                                               Your friend

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Popping Pebbles Cerel Review

Today my girls tried the new cereal Popping Pebbles it fizzes in your mouth like pop rocks. I couldn't  believe it when I saw this at the store maybe its just me but fizzy and milk just don't go. Well the girls tried it and they loved it with and without milk. The only down fall was because it became a game breakfast lasted half and hour but they did eat it all. What will they come out with next. If you or your kids try this please let me know what they thought.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Winter is a tuff time for many parent and kids mine included and what makes it so tuff is that the kids are stuck inside most of the time. So I decided to check around for some fun indoor activities that are simple fun and don't cost much.

                                DUCT TAPE HOPSCOTCH


                                  PAPER PLATE RING TOSS

                                    BALLOON VOLLEY BALL

                             RACE THROUGH A SPIDER WEB


And don't forget the old time games of mother may I, Simon say, freeze dance and charades and last but not least hot potato  I am glad I found these and cant wait to try them out. I hope u will try them to. Let me know how it went and don't be afraid to tell me some other ideas u may have. To be honest there are some games here I really want to play. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


So many moms today are in need of some time out I mean time out of the HOUSE but many of us don't have a lot of money by the end of the week. So I have come up with some fun ideas to do by yourself or with friends and it will only cost $15 a person now sadly none of these include gas money which I know is a problem but if you can take turn using one car it will help like one week we take my car and the next time we take ur car. Also don't be afraid to go to local places I know we would all love to go somewhere fancy but sometimes we just have to be happy we don't have to clean up after were done so her we go

                         GO TO THE MOVIES

Don't be afraid to look for deals like the one near me is Cinema 6 now their regular price Is $9.50 which is still under $15 but I also want soda and popcorn so they have a special all shows before 6 pm on Friday is $7.50 also before 2pm Thur, Sat and Sunday are $7.50 now myself I would like to go before 6pm because then I don't have to worry about dinner being ready for the kids and the kids getting to be on time. But if ur husband is good with that then what ever works for u is good.

       GO OUT TO EAT

For me I like to go out for lunch instead of dinner one because I can go while the kids are at school so there no worry there and two because we eat less for lunch so its cheaper but if u want to go for dinner it can work to just look for the most for ur money or get dishes u can share like I can never finish a lot of pasta dishes so can split and the other person can buy the desert or another side something like that.

Bingo is not just for the old foke anymore if you go to a fire hall bingo a lot of times they have coffee and drink also some small snack to nibble on and trust me you will have fun and u might even win enough money next weeks get together.

Find a local nail saloon and get your nails done now u might only be able to get either your fingers or toes done but either way if will be nice to not have to do it yourself myself I cant seem to sit still at home long enough for it to dry completely and I end up smudging it sadly you cant get fake nails but I still love it  A great place by me is Lady Jane's in Hamlin for those of u who live by me.

             GO ON A PICNIC

I Know it seems weird but why decide where to go and have every one bring a dish this might not even cost u any money if u already have the ingredients you can just lay back and talk about life even bring some card to play

          GO ON A HIKE
For those of u who love the outdoors go one a hike pack a small lunch or snack and bring ur camera

I hope you take advantage of these ideas and have some fun let me know how it went or if you have any other ideas for a $15 mom day

Sunday, January 5, 2014


We finally got to go slay riding I think im spelling that wrong but u know what I mean.

Her hat kept going over her face maybe i should just poke some holes in the eye area so she can see lol

Friday, January 3, 2014


I am going crazy the kids have been home for 14 days now. I don't mind summer vacation because at least we have things we can do but for them to be home now their is nothen to do but drive me nuts. I am thankful to my facebook friends who are going just as crazy. Its nice to know my kid are normal I was beginning to think I was a bad mom or that I just had the worst kids lol all they do if fight and brake things and make a mess and EAT  I cant keep food in the house. For those of u who follow my blog I am happy to say we finally got heat and thank goodness I don't like being cold I get really cranky and that's putting it nicely. I spent all day today cleaning and im still not done but here is a rum thro of my house this morning

to top this off the girls tried feeding the dog raisins by throwing them all over the floor my dog does not eat raisins my tv was covered in finger prints and there was something sticky on the white couch I didn't want to know what it was
I asked the girls to do laundry while I did the living room they throw the clean close on the floor that I did not mop or sweep yet
they throw cloths out of the hamper so they could make sure there favorite cloths got washed and walked away
lily ripped my curtain off the wall by hanging on it
I can't keep up with all the dishes I swear im washing the same dishes every hour
you cant even walk in lily's room even her been is covered
I finally got most of the house done I found the bottom of the sink got the laundry done well all but blankets and towels moped and put things were they belong. By the time carl came home I was so done. The kids had gotten me so crazy all it took was him saying hi hunny to know I needed some time alone he let me hang in my room and he made dinner hot dogs and mac and cheese but at least he made something and he put them to bed. I just want to soak in a hot bath then go to bed! To all the moms with kids home from school

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Last night was the quietest new years ive had in years also the coldest we ran out of fuel for the heater thank goodness we have  small propane heaters

So the girls have been sleeping in the living room and im not sleeping at all they say they are safe and will turn off if anything goes wrong but as a mom I just don't trust them 100% im sure you agree anyway we had a nice ham dinner then played some games we played freeze dance were you dance around then when the music stops you have to freeze ill put the video at the bottom and sorry the pictures are yellow I figured out how to change that a little to late I love my camera but I don't think I would recommend it just yet. Lily had the hardest time waiting for midnight she kept asking and asking I tried to distract her with ice cream it worked for a little while
Then the girls played with my hair I think I have a bold spot now lol
Lily did this one
anabella learned how to do a braid she did really good
after I got all the knots out of my hair we watched a movie about a girl and a horse I forget the name of it but it was really good I want a horse so bad  poor lily was just so tired it was about 10:30 when we started the movie she fell right to sleep
when the clock struck 12 we said happy new year text everyone we new and went to bed I think I passed out before anabella did it was really weird not having a big party with all of our friends but it was still nice hope everyone had a happy and safe new year and I hope this year is even better then last year.