
Monday, February 24, 2014

Dear friend, i have no motovation

Dear Friend,
I don't know what it is but the last couple of days of have been so blah I just want to lay on the couch and chill. I enjoyed the nice days we had but in the back of my mind I new it wouldn't last so it kinda made me sad. Here I am making all these plans for summer and it was fun but now I realize its 3 to 4 months away and Im gona be stuck in the house for most of it. There just isn't much to do around here in the winter. How about u have u been keeping busy? It hasn't been so bad the other day I got to go to my brothers house for a bday party. It felt so good to be out of the house and around people our own age. I also got to hold the baby. Poor carl got no love tho the baby did NOT LIKE HIM she was ok if her mommy had her and he talked to her but if he held her he got this

                         lol she is cute when she is mad. I also got my new wedding ring

its so pretty!
The girls and I make a yummy necklace
we tried to make a video but yet again the girl just cant take direction but the picture give u the idea. We also used frosted cheereos and honeynut cherreos.  They thought it was the coolest thing and its healthy so u can go wrong. So my weekend wasn't all bad. What did u do this weekend? Hopefully I will feel more energenic soon. Do ever just get in those moods its not depressed its just a blah feeling I don't know let me know.
Your couch buddy

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