
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dear Friend, We have no spoons

Dear Friend

               Last night was not fun. The girls went to bed nice and easy which should have been my first clue and carl and I thought we could have a nice quiet night together. NOPE! by the time I got the house straightened up and took a shower lily woke up to go pee  and it was around 12 so she got about 5  hours sleep so she was wide awake. By 2 I gave up and went to bed then at 3 anabella comes in the room and says lily was throwing stuff at her head lol when I asked her why she did it she said because she didn't want to be up all by herself ( to cute for 3 in the morning not fair) so long story short they didn't go to school today. I thought this was going to be a big mistake but to my surprise they were really good today I didn't yell once no no really not once. Do u ever have those days when things are going so good that ur just waiting for something to happen well that was my day. It was so cute when I woke up the girls were eating breakfast they make there own cereal now but they didn't know that the dishwasher was clean lol and we were out of spoons in the draw so they used there smart little brains and came up with this
Sometimes they are just so cute u could squeeze them. I got the house all clean even mopped the floors. Dum idea wouldn't u know carl came home and got mud all over  it never fails. We got to finally go the library tonight with all the snow we kept getting I wasn't able to take our books back and they are only open 3 days I hate that well anyway my late charge came to $5.68 and at .20 a day that's a lot.I got 2 books this time cause I couldn't decide.They are from the same author Linda Lael Miller ones called The man from Stone Creek and the other A Wanted Man  and yes they are westerns I cant help it I love westerns. If you've read these let me know what you thought and ill let you know when I read them. Now its just which one do I start first. The girls got an arm full each. Ana got some new chapter books and she's almost done with them she loves to read and lily got those books that have textures in them I have to admit they are cool. I know it korny but if im not in the river my next favorite place is the library. O I tried some of those audio books last night to see what they were all about I couldn't  do it I tried to lesson but my mind kept wondering i tried 3 books and i couldn't tell you what they were about. So I guess I really am a book person.  
these are the books I  got sorry about the glare Im always looking for new book have you read any good one lately if yes  what were they?
little miss book worm


Monday, February 24, 2014

Dear friend, i have no motovation

Dear Friend,
I don't know what it is but the last couple of days of have been so blah I just want to lay on the couch and chill. I enjoyed the nice days we had but in the back of my mind I new it wouldn't last so it kinda made me sad. Here I am making all these plans for summer and it was fun but now I realize its 3 to 4 months away and Im gona be stuck in the house for most of it. There just isn't much to do around here in the winter. How about u have u been keeping busy? It hasn't been so bad the other day I got to go to my brothers house for a bday party. It felt so good to be out of the house and around people our own age. I also got to hold the baby. Poor carl got no love tho the baby did NOT LIKE HIM she was ok if her mommy had her and he talked to her but if he held her he got this

                         lol she is cute when she is mad. I also got my new wedding ring

its so pretty!
The girls and I make a yummy necklace
we tried to make a video but yet again the girl just cant take direction but the picture give u the idea. We also used frosted cheereos and honeynut cherreos.  They thought it was the coolest thing and its healthy so u can go wrong. So my weekend wasn't all bad. What did u do this weekend? Hopefully I will feel more energenic soon. Do ever just get in those moods its not depressed its just a blah feeling I don't know let me know.
Your couch buddy

Friday, February 14, 2014

Dear Friend, Happy V day

               Dear friend,

                   Hope you day was good mine was great not to brag. I have spent the last to days switching rooms around not fun I made a video about it it should be up soon. Im just really happy to have my house back in order. Also I got a real surprise while cleaning out anabella's cloth draw MY WEDDING RING!!!!! It must have come off when I was putting away cloths. We were looking in the car the stores my room but I never even thought to look there. Carl was going to buy me a new one for v day but then I found it but he's thinking of still buying me one because this one doesn't fit to well as we learned and ill keep this one put away so I don't lose it again. My night was the best carl came home late and we had to go to the store for food so I fed the girls but I had nothen really for me and carl to eat ( shopping was a must) so carl and I went to the store without the kids nana watched them and we grabbed two hoggies  two sodas and some chips and went back to the car and had a romantic car picnic.
Then we went back inside to go shopping. When we got home we gave each other our gifts the girls got smurfs 2 and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2. I got carl a pair of froggy boxers that say My Pad or Yours and he got me a giant card
and money cause I never know what I want. It really was a great day but also today I cleaned the whole house and cleaned off the car and shoveled a lot of snow and he keeps giving me that look I think I feel a headache coming on lol.
your friend

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dear friend, My fridge looks pretty!

                    Dear Friend,

            Sorry it has been so long since I last wrote you didn't miss much. I made a new video its called 50 Random facts about me its just a little way of people getting to know me I will leave it at the bottom of this letter if u want to see it. Now my main purpose for writing this letter is to show off my fridge. I saw this idea on pinterest and just had to do it. I took those sticky cabinet liners and lined the inside of my fridge.

I just love it now all I need is food
Don't worry the freezer is full So that was my little project of the day and its sad to say but cleaning my fridge took about 3 hours. let me know in the comments what u think. I will try to write more soon.
Your friend

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dear Friend,, Want some groundhog meat?

                         Dear Friend,

                     Snow snow go away! We had a few days of nice weather we got to go outside and maybe even open a window then just like that it was taking away all because the evil groundhog saw his shadow. I don't think ive ever heard of him not seeing his shadow. I know he really doesn't really predict the weather im mean with all the cameras and people I would run to but its just the reminder that winter isn't over yet that get me down. then to top it off we start our week with snow and now they are saying there is more to come. So we felt like showing that groundhog were not having it. We decided to start the grill for dinner we had hot dogs and hamburgers.
It made us feel better to imagine it was groundhog meat. Lol ok so we has issues don't judge.
 it was really good
Well I hope u stay warm and safe with the weather coming our way and lets all try to stay positive and if that means pretending ur dinner is a poor groundhog go for it.
        your nutty friend

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Dear Friend, I got to play with fire

Dear Friend,

                        Yesterday the weather was so nice. I turned off the TV's and computers and we all went outside. I finally burned the paper and boxes from Christmas my deck was covered.
It didn't smell the best but it was warm. The girls had fun throwing snow into it  
While we did that daddy fixed the door. the other night we were laying in bed and we kept feeling a breeze we finally got up to figure it out and the door was wide open. For some reason the door frame moved and it wouldn't latch even with the locks locked
Lily was really funny she was trying to push the baby stroller in the snow
Later we went inside and the girls played salon
I can always tell spring is coming soon because my husband decides he finally wants to fix all the things he had all winter to do
For dinner we made homemade deep dish pizza
It was yummy
Later that night the girls did there yoga
Then they just played around a little
Before carl and I went to bed we watch a movie we rented from the library A river runs through it
It was good but the ending was sad. I say it coming a mile a way but it was still sad. I hate when they do that the movie was a happy movie about two brothers who loved to fly fish and about growing up and life and they get u all happy inside and ur really into the movie then bam something happens and the good mood is gone if you have seen it u know what I mean I liked it but I don't think ill watch it again. Well that was my day. Have you watched any good movies lately if so what was it and how was it? Sorry I didn't write for so long we were just sick as dogs for like a week straight I will try to write more.
                                                                            Your friend