
Tuesday, June 3, 2014


So I love steak but I can't afford the really good cuts of meat and I hate how chewy the cheap ones are so I went online to look up ways to make them more tender. Everywhere I looked people were saying to cover them with Kosher salt. I don't really use much salt on my food so I was really not liking this idea but carl said lets give it a try ( everyone else is doing it lol) So we followed the instruction to a tee they said

    Cover one whole side with kosher salt

Then let it sit 1 hour per lb now ours was .44lb all together and because carl and I always seem to compete with each other I said leave it for 15 minutes and he said leave it for 25 minutes so I left mine on for 15 and he left his on for 25.

Then it said to rinse off all the salt and pat dry then cook
We could tell right away it really did tenderize it. When we first started the meat was stiff and together after we salted it it was falling apart while he was washing them.
I forgot to take pictures of the finished product but in the end they were both SALTY ! but I was able to cut it with my fork I can never do that with steak  and I am happy to say his was more salty so my time was more right then his Ha ha ha  sorry anyway he said it wasn't to salty to eat and he did eat both but for me once it hit my mouth I had to sit it out.
So if you are one of those people who like to really salt your food ( dad) then you might like this but if you aer like me and don't like your food to taste like salt then you are out of luck. If anyone has any other idea on how to make a cheap steak tender please let me know. also if you try this or if you already have let me know what you thought.

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