
Saturday, May 31, 2014


Man what a day I am so ready for bed. My day started kinda early for a Saturday ( 9am) The girls and I ate breakfast and out the door they went to play while I mowed the lawn AGAIN is any body else getting sick of mowing ever weekend? As the sweat was dripping down neck and my hair was sticking to my face neck and back I decided that's it Im CUTTING IT! so I called and just my luck they had an opening I only and always go to Jenna snippers If you live in Hamlin, pa area you should so look her up.  I feel 10lbs lighter and cooler

and this is really short considering I started out like this
A little later in the day we went for a bike ride and during that time we decided lily needs to get rid of those training wheels she rides really good. after 20 some minutes SUCCESS!! she was riding but then she realized I was running along side her and she hit the breaks right away. We tried to go again but now she was so worried about me letting go again she crashed not to bad but there was a few tears luckily just at that time our neighbor who just moved here not to long ago was telling us that we should come see their horse sometime cause their trying to get them used to people and anabella being anabella goes  can we come now? He said sure so we put the bikes away and walk 20 min up the road I had no idea where this house was and the further we went the deeper in the woods we went until finally PEOPLE  we had made it they were really nice and the horses were so pretty the girls had the biggest smiles I have to get them in to the 4H or something they love horses so much
And as if fate had brought us there the lady was looking to get a tattoo today but the place she wanted to go was closed and she asked were I get mine done and I of course said by me and it was really funny the guy kept saying I had no idea I swear this was not planned and what makes it so crazy is I was just thinking of selling my tattoo stuff cause no one wants tattoos anymore and they are just sitting there collecting dust then bam I get someone who wants one so I guess I will keep it around I really do miss it So im gona call her tomorrow to make an appointment. We ended the night with twilight breaking dawn 2 I don't think we will ever get tired of twilight .
I have a little cleaning up to do then off to bed I go. All the mowing running and walking I did today really kick my butt.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Did the hamburger stuffer really work?

For my birthday I got the hamburger stuffer thing I was really excited to try it so were my kids. We read all the instructions which made no since to us and it did not tell you enough so there was a lot of trial and error. The kids went first Anabella wanted to stuffer hers with Pickles, cheese, lettice and tomatos

and lily of course chose max and cheese no surprise there she could eat max and cheese for breakfast lunch and dinner if I let her.

they were huge
but they cooked really fast this one was anabella's
and here is lily's
They looked great BUT they were a pain in the butt to make and when you bit into them they came apart and were impossible to eat the girls ended up forks. Also they were to big they only ate half so its kinda a waste. Carl and I ended up making plain burgers the old fashion way cause it was just to much hassle. So in the end its a cool idea but I don't see us ever using it again. If you tried this and had better luck let me know or if you to found it a waste of time.

Monday, May 19, 2014


I got the kids off to school cleaned the house and off to my fishing hole I went and there I stayed till 3:30.

and today I brought my dog Skittles along
when the sun hit the trees they were the greenest greens
I only got one fish, I threw him back
I had to deal with on and off sun showers buts it was worth it

Thursday, May 8, 2014

We Got the Green Thumb

Yesterday was all about DIRT. This flower bed was nothing but weeds you couldn't see and dirt. It took me a good 2 hours but it felt really good to have dirt under my nails. I think I made the bed bigger then it was last year cause I didn't have enough rocks to complete the circle, But one good thing about living in the country is there are rocks EVERYWHERE. While the girls were still in school I got the supplies ready for us to make bird houses I did a post on how to make them yesterday but If you missed it here is the link  How to make a bird feeder They came out really cute
After we made these the girls wanted to plant something so I gave them some seeds and they went to town
They planted red poppy and baby's breath
I don't know if any one noticed but yes lily's hair is SHORT
Just 2 days ago it was almost to her butt ( tear) I really didn't want to cut it but she kept getting ticks in her hair well on her head cause she doesn't like her hair up and we just could chance it anymore and can you believe she was mad at us because she wanted it shorter and we would so it. She wanted it to her ears o my little tom boy.
Anabella made lily and her some eggs and mama made brownies for desert
and that was pretty much our day. Have any of you started getting stuff ready for planting?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


This is an cheap and easy bird feeder. All you need is

1. Empty can ( washed)

2. String or twine

3. Scissors

4. Paint / Paint brush

1. Wash the cans
2. Paint the cans
3. Tie string around the middle of the can the tie it in a tree
4. Fill can with bird seed we used 1/2 cup of bird seed
And there you have it a bird feeder
Now just sit back and wait for the birds to come
This was a lot of fun to make and it was easy enough that the girls didn't need my help so they felt really proud that they did it. Let me know if you make one.

Monday, May 5, 2014

We found Treasure!

Today Carl got out his metal detector. The girls and him went all over the yard.

They found a can of Rolling rocks Beer
It was so funny every time they found something even if it was just a nail they would run in the house to show me what they found you would think they were finding diamonds the way they carried on but it was really cute
This is what they found But carl wasn't digging to deep he wanted to keep there attention
While they did that I made yummy baked ziti

Mom Where Bored !

Today was a cold windy rainy day and the girls were just sitting around playing games and complaining that there was nothing to do. SO........

We decided to bakes some goodies
Lily and daddy made cinnamon rolls
Anabella made chocolate muffins
We all had a lot of fun making and eating them.
Also this week we switched back our rooms. It took 4 days we just had no ambition to do it this time but we did it. If you missed the blog of us switching rooms you have to see this video
Anabella's Room
and yes their rooms are already a mess but their not fighting over who touched what and she wont leave me alone! At the end of the day it might have been cold windy and rainy outside but inside it was warm calm and filled with laughter